Managing users


  • The P2i Supplier Administrator performs the managing user functionality for the Funded Organisation.

  • A deactivated user no longer receives P2i email notifications. This negatively impacts the forgotten username/password functionality. Refer to Activate a user.

The Supplier AdministratorClosed Superuser or Mainuser are two other terms used. This role is responsible for managing a Funded Organisation's individual user accounts and organisational activity assignments. Other users may be elevated to be "Administrator" like. is the first user registered for the Funded Organisation in P2i. This occurred while registering the organisation. Refer to Register as a new P2i service supplier.

Tip The P2i Supplier Administrator can elevate a user's access to assist with P2i. Refer to Elevate user access.

This elevate process ought to have already been applied to the Funded Organisation's Organisation Director user account.

When needed, the P2i Supplier Administrator (or appropriately elevated user) can transfer the Supplier Administrator account to another Funded Organisation user. Refer to Change the P2i Supplier Administrator (Main User).